Hridaya Mudra (Heart Gesture)


Hridaya Mudra (Heart Gesture)

Placing the tips of the index fingers at the root of the thumbs as in Chin and Gyana mudras whilst joining the tips of the ring and middle fingers to the tips of the thumbs.
The little finger remains straight but relaxed.
Place the hands palms facing upwards on the knees.
(Please ask me for a demonstration if you are unsure about this.)
This Mudra diverts the flow of energy from the hands to the heart.
It is said to improve the vitality of the heart since the middle and ring fingers connect to the heart through specific nadis.
Hridaya mudra is therefore beneficial for all heart ailments.
Many students who suffer from anxiety attacks and palpitations have found this Mudra very helpful.
In cases of suspected heart problems this mudra should be used before the emergency services arrive.
It is also useful in times of emotional conflict and crises.

Published by liz on Thursday, 14 November 2013, last updated on Thursday, 14 November 2013 at 5:12PM
Categories: Yoga Practice

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