Filtered by Category: yoga times archive

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Yoga Times September 2015

Yoga Times September 2015.     A new term is beginning once again and I have spent some time reflecting on how the practices of Yoga can be applied in our daily lives as valuable tools that may be used not just for repairing and fixing a multitude of physical aches and pains but for tweaking and finely tuning the body/mind to function and perform in the best way possible. As a toolbox it is fairly extensive, but whilst we may think that we alre...


Categories: yoga times archive

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Spring Term 2014

Welcome back! The winter holiday started as always with a rush to get everything done before Christmas. I often try to get away at this time of year because I find the crowds and traffic quite stressful and ideally prefer to go somewhere quiet and peaceful. After Christmas things gradually calm down and it can be a nice time to reflect on the year that is coming to an end and the new one that is beginning. Moving from one year into the next in some ways rem...


Categories: yoga times archive

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Observation 1

As I approach my sixties, I am truly indebted to my older students for teaching me so much about life and sharing with me their experiences of Yoga and the aging process. It is true to say that we all experience different concerns as we age, yet we all share common concerns and experience similar changes. From the moment we take our first breath in life we are subject to change. At each stage of life we find ways to manage the changes that arise so that we ...


Categories: Mindfulness, yoga times archive

Monday, 29 April 2013

Yoga Times January 2013

Yoga Times    Welcome back to a new term and a new year. In the depths of winter, when the trees have shed their leaves and are stripped down to their bare branches we can see the beginnings of buds forming and if we care to look closely we can see the beginnings of new life not yet formed but waiting for the first signs of spring when the moment is right for a whole new spurt of growth and creativity to manifest. The New Year is often associat...


Categories: yoga times archive

Friday, 19 April 2013

Yoga Times

Welcome back to a new term and a new year. It seems that the year 2012 has great significance for many of the world’s ancient cultures and civilizations. From the Mayan to the Vedic and many other ancient civilizations, it is clear that 2012 has been marked out as an important year for change. As with the ancient Yoga texts from the Vedic and Samkhyan eras, our interpretation of any ancient scripts will always be influenced by our current level of consci...


Categories: Newsletter, yoga times archive